Rafidah Abdul Aziz.
A Lovely Friend
Ya Allah Ya Rahman
Protect her,
As she is the truth friend in my Journey To Jannah
Rafidah Abdul Aziz.
A Lovely Friend
Ya Allah Ya Rahman
Protect her,
As she is the truth friend in my Journey To Jannah
Rest of the pictures taken during the Eid.
Ya Allah Ya Rahman,
Ya Allah Ya Rahim,
As the life goes on,
As the breath goes on,
Protect us Ya Allah,
Taufiq, Hidayah, Iman,
As simple human created
by The Greatest.
Sweet Farah keep on moving with small blue chair
Yassin from all the family during the Eid
Aunt Shahriah's cooking very nyum nyum nyum
Sweet 16 of Husna. Alhamdulillah.
The way she perceived Islam at the age of 16 is amazing. She manage to do dai' to her friends in the school. Nowdays, Malaysian teenagers ahlaq in such a dangerous stage. I dont have the statistic, graph, picture but all can be viewed from other news.
During USM Convocation
Nice, Sweet, Lovely of Siti Nazleen with her friends
Happy day of Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu
Beautiful journey with you,
Beautiful moment with you,
A friend that never ask any reply for things she done,
She is Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu